17 Ocak 2017 Salı


e-Twinning is an online community for European and eu border countries to collaborate, learn to learn, cooperate and share best practices. You can visit www.etwinning.net for more.
Personally, e-twinning is part of my lectures because of some important reasons. Let's take a look!

e-twinning  provides students;
Learning and practising English
Improving computer competences
Keeping learning alive
Creating motivation between students and lessons
Creating innovative and entertaining classroom enviromet
Making new friends from different countries
For teachers;
It helps teachers trying to find new techniques
It movitaves teachers towards his/ her job
It provides teachers to exchange ideas and collaborate with the collegues living in EU
  I seriously suggest you teachers to attend e-twinning and do projects with other schools,teachers and students in Europe. It is free and practical in all types of schools and lessons.

2 yorum:

  1. Vay aq. Sikicem bu dili kafamı sikti

  2. Ha bu arada amına kodum sitesinde ingilizce öğrenmemiz gerekirken niye ingilizce yazıyo. site sahibinin IQ sunu ölçmek lazım amk
