e-Twinning is an online community for European and eu border countries to collaborate, learn to learn, cooperate and share best practices. You can visit www.etwinning.net for more.
Personally, e-twinning is part of my lectures because of some important reasons. Let's take a look!
e-twinning provides students;
Learning and practising English
Improving computer competences
Keeping learning alive
Creating motivation between students and lessons
Creating innovative and entertaining classroom enviromet
Making new friends from different countries
For teachers;
It helps teachers trying to find new techniques
It movitaves teachers towards his/ her job
It provides teachers to exchange ideas and collaborate with the collegues living in EU
I seriously suggest you teachers to attend e-twinning and do projects with other schools,teachers and students in Europe. It is free and practical in all types of schools and lessons.
Vay aq. Sikicem bu dili kafamı sikti
YanıtlaSilHa bu arada amına kodum sitesinde ingilizce öğrenmemiz gerekirken niye ingilizce yazıyo. site sahibinin IQ sunu ölçmek lazım amk